The purpose of a memory rehabilitation programme is to provide ways of helping you cope better with memory lapses in everyday settings.
Initially, London neuropsychologist Professor Kapur and his team will have to carry out a detailed interview with you and with a partner/carer to find out what are the mains sorts of memory lapses you have, and how these relate to any other symptoms that may also be present. We may also ask you to fill in some questionnaires and keep a diary for 1-2 weeks of the memory lapses when they occur. We will see what sorts of strategies and aids you currently use to help your everyday memory.
After this initial rehabilitation assessment, we will then suggest ways in which we can help. This may take the form of a rehabilitation programme and occur over a number of sessions. It may take the form of general advice, suggestions as to better ways of remembering in everyday situations, practice in using certain memory strategies and specific memory aids that can help prevent memory lapses from occurring. We will show you how these aids work, and give you some to take with you and try at home or at work.
After this initial treatment sessions, we will provide follow-up appointments when we will review how the advice and aids we have given are working. We may also ring you from time to time to give any advice over the phone. Professor Kapur has clinics in London, Harrow and Leeds.